10 months ago

October 13, 2023. The Farewell Program for Youth Delegates to China was ceremoniously concluded in the distinguished presence of Professor Xin Lugao, Director of the Confucius Institute at Tribhuvan University (CI@TU), and the Head of the Central Department of Management at Tribhuvan University (CDMTU), hosted at the seminar hall of CDMTU.

The objective of this exchange program was to fortify intercultural communication amongst young college students hailing from Nepal and China, thereby solidifying the amicable relations and promoting exchanges and collaboration between the two nations. The Youth Federation of the Xizang Autonomous Region extended an invitation to a prominent educator from Tribhuvan University and seven Chinese language students for this purpose.

During the program, Professor Xin provided valuable guidance to the delegate team by emphasizing that students represent the future of the nation. He encouraged them to explore the rapidly evolving landscape of China and glean insights from China’s developmental endeavors. He also underscored the significance of the China-Nepal friendship and its potential benefits for Nepal.

The Head of the department, Professor Bhawani Shanker Acharya, expressed his appreciation for CI@TU’s provision of an outstanding opportunity for students and faculty to explore China’s thriving economy and development. He conveyed the unwavering willingness of CDMTU to collaborate with CI@TU in nurturing cultural and academic exchange between Nepal and China.

The leader of the delegate team, Assistant Professor Dr. Bal Ram Duwal, articulated the importance of CI@TU in fostering people-to-people relationships between the two nations. Furthermore, esteemed academics including Professor Dr. Bhoj Raj Aryal, Professor Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shrestha, Associate Professor Ajay Prasad Dhakal, Assistant Professor Dr. Bharat Singh Thapa, and Assistant Professor Dr. Sunita Bhandari shared their perspectives on the student exchange program.

Samikchhya Khadka, a student in the Master of Business Studies program in the fourth semester, represented the delegate team and conveyed their experiences and enthusiasm regarding the exchange program.

The members of the youth delegate team include Bipana Maharjan, Samikchhya Khadka, Sita Kumari Saud, Krishna Sharma, and Salim Maharjan from CDMTU, as well as Ushakiran Gnawaly and Bivushana Shrestha from DIRD-TU. The selection process took place on September 12 among all the current Chinese language students at CI@TU.

The delegate team also had the privilege of participating in a dinner meeting hosted by His Excellency the Chinese Ambassador at the Chinese Embassy in Baluwatar on October 12. Their scheduled visit is from October 16 to 23, 2023, which includes visits to Xizang Nationality University, Xian, and Xizang University in the Xizang Autonomous Region.


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