1 year ago

The inauguration of the workshop was held on May 2, 2023, and was graced by the Head of the Department, Prof. Bhawani Shanker Acharya, who emphasized the importance of study and learning, research, and application.

Former chairman of the research committee, Prof. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shrestha, also highlighted the significance of data analysis in dissertations. Secretary of the research committee, Asst. Prof. Santosh Ghimire, stressed the importance of creative and innovative research work.

The workshop aims to equip MBS dissertation students with essential skills in data analysis using SPSS, a widely-used software package for statistical analysis in social science research. With the guidance of experienced resource persons, the students will be able to gain valuable insights and knowledge that will help them in their dissertation work.

The CDMTU Research Committee hopes that the workshop will be a success and that it will contribute to the academic growth of the students.

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