Issued Date:Monday 17 April, 2023

CDMTU, Research Committee is going to conduct the workshop on data analysis using SPSS for MBS dissertation students. The workshop is scheduled for  a week from May 2, 2023 to May 8m 2023. The workshop is led by research committee chairman Prof. Dr. Mahananda Chalise with Asso. Prof. Dr. Govinda Tamang, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bharat Singh Thapa, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bal Ram Duwal and Asst. Prof. Dr. Gangaram Biswakarma as resource person. The research committee has requested to students who are doing their dissertations, fill out the form for participation in the workshop.

The workshop is free of cost but it requires students to commit to learning techniques and strategies for doing research, especially Data Analysis. A high level of self-motivation, dedication and discipline is required. Pre-requisite for this course are:

1. Students must have a Laptop throughout the workshop because a number of hands-on sessions in SPSS will be delivered.

2. Students should attend all the sessions.
3. It is mandatory to join 10 minutes before the session starts.
4. There might be insufficient multi-plugs in the class, students are required to have laptops adequately charged.
Workshop schedule can be download from