3 years ago

On 19th of November 2021, the Central Department of Management organized a Curriculum Dissemination program for the proposed degree “MBA-Cooperative and Entrepreneurship Management”.  Dean of the Faculty of Management, Prof. Dr. Dilli Raj Sharma and Chairman of National Cooperative Federation of Nepal Mr. Min Raj Kandel highlighted the needs and importance of the academic course of Cooperatives in the University level. After a presentation on the course cycle, courses & their contents and teaching-learning modality of this program by Mr. Dinesh Mani Ghimire, Coordinator of the curriculum development committee, a three-hour long discussion was moderated by Dr. Bharat Singh Thapa. Mrs. Om Devi Malla, Senior Vice-Chairperson of NCFNEPAL and Prof. Dr. Ramji Gautam, Head of Department expressed their commitment for the sustainability of this cooperation and the development of Co-operative education for prosperous Nepal. Suggestions and insights of academicians and practitioners were collected by the team and summarized by Prof. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shrestha and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dhurba Lal Pandey at the end of the program.  Faculty members and staff of CDM, Assistant Deans of FoM, Board members and management team of National Cooperative Federation, Nepal and various stakeholders have put forward their views on the proposed curriculum in the program. 

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